One trend we can foresee at Unionwear is, when companies reshore to the US, they will find we have a major skills gap. We aren’t the only ones either.
According to this article from Casting Source, unpredictable global disturbances spotlighted the need to reshore essential product ecosystems. But this won’t be easy, as firms need to overcome the manufacturing workforce skills-gap. Indeed, forty-five percent of manufacturing executives surveyed have already turned down business opportunities due to lack of workers.
How? U.S. manufacturers need to engage a wider, more diverse labor pool by increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); add flexibility models to attract and retain talent; overcome misperceptions of manufacturing careers; re-skill and up-skill existing workers; and adopt public-private partnerships to provide training that aligns with the needs of business and industry. They also need to embrace lifelong learning for employees to keep them engaged.
You can only reshore to the US if there are enough people to do the work. Not only that, but people need to stay on the job once they get there. There is a lot more detail at the article. Have a look here.