White House issues new rules on ‘Buy American’ waivers

| Posted by unionwear

According to The Hill, the Biden administration issued guidance to federal agencies two weeks ago that aims to streamline the implementation of the president’s “Made in America” executive order.

“It requires agencies to examine current Made in America practices and develop plans to improve them. These efforts will work together to promote economic security, national security, and good-paying union jobs here at home,” Celeste Drake, director of the Made in America Office within OMB, said in a release outlining the guidance.

The memo requires agencies to designate a senior official by June 30 who will coordinate with Drake and the Made in America Office and strategize how to increase its use of American manufacturing. The designated official will also submit regular reports to Drake on their use of Made in America statutes, rules, regulations and orders.

The memo also includes guidance for agencies that wish to submit waivers to work around the Made in America order in an effort to cut down on the need for exemptions.

Read more at The Hill HERE

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