Unionwear enjoyed bipartisan support before made in USA was a thing

| Posted by unionwear

Every so often, we come across a story that causes us to reflect on how far ahead of the curve Unionwear has always been when it comes to creating American jobs.

Recently, we came across a story from 2015 in Slate Magazine on how our 100% made in USA manufacturing facility has changed America’s presidential campaigns, and how every candidate has to buy made in America products. Democrats and Republicans both agree that good-paying American manufacturing jobs have been disappearing for decades and that bringing jobs back to the US needs to be a priority. And, since the pandemic, both parties agree that reshoring PPE and pharmaceuticals are an urgent national security issue, not just a campaign slogan.

Unionwear has been a unionized manufacturer since 1992, and we have always supported creating good-paying American manufacturing jobs. Let’s hope the politicians in Washington get to work bringing jobs +back to the US and not just using made in America as a once-every-four-years campaign slogan.

#govote #elections2020 #madeinusa #americanmade #promogoods

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