There’s a great article in Blue State on the financial, and emotional, power of political merchandise.
When we purchase a political hat made at Unionwear, an AOC t-shirt made by our friends at FII, or a MAGA hat, we are doing much more than helping candidates and causes. We are tapping into something much deeper within ourselves. We are expressing our inner values on our cars, our guitars, and our coolers.
Beyond the fact that the Trump campaign had raised $45 million off of MAGA hats alone, we are tapping into our inner tribalism as well. As the article above states:
“There is a range of research about how social identity is a key driver of political choices. The way we see ourselves defines how we step out into the world and participate in our communities. And what we signal as individuals can build collective understanding as well. There is political science showing that the presence of yard signs can increase vote share. Which means that bumper stickers, pinback buttons, and t-shirts can help supporters find each other and recognize a shared point of commonality.”
Read the rest of the article HERE. It is worth your time.