The SCM Talent Group recently wrote an article about the chip shortage and quoted our very own Mitch Cahn about the supply chain.
In essence, the article discusses how the chip shortage, due to supply chain disruptions, will probably impact our Christmas gifts for 2022, and will have rippling effects throughout the world.
Unfortunately, it also looks like these supply chain disruptions will resonate beyond 2022.
In fact, Unionwear’s Founder Mitch Cahn doesn’t believe the global supply chain will be stabilized until at least 2023. “People have always said that making things in America is cost prohibitive, but that’s just not the case. There are A LOT of hidden costs beyond just unit price.” Cahn goes on to cite costs like tariffs, product development costs, inventory level requirements, transportation and more as obstacles to affordable global supply chains, and argues for more reshoring of manufacturing. Only time will tell if this happens on a large scale.