C-NET has been running a regular series on what it means to be Made in USA. In this article, they take a trip to a massive Clean Room, run by government contracting powerhouse Lockheed Martin, where Lockheed is building a new kind of satellite.
It’s called the GOES-T, a massive weather satellite for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA. The satellite will enter geostationary orbit, about 22,000 miles above Earth’s surface. It will collect huge amounts of data about weather here on Earth and in space.
Set to launch in February 2022, the satellite will track meteorological events in precise detail, mapping lightning strikes, following fire lines and tracking extreme weather in real time. All this data beamed down from space could potentially be life-saving, helping scientists and meteorologists better predict natural disasters and protect all of us here on the ground.
GOES-T also can track solar flares, changes in the magnetosphere and radiation hazards, all of which can affect not only the planet’s weather, but also electronics and communications equipment on Earth and in the International Space Station. In fact, one of the tasks of the GOES satellites is to provide warnings to astronauts on the ISS about incoming solar activity that could affect their operations or interfere with their instruments.
Have a look at the article HERE