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Sealed Letter Clipboard-Suedene-Hunter

Unionwear cb-0250-26
Sealed Letter Clipboard-Suedene-Hunter
View fabric swatch image for detailed view of current color shades and textures for this fabric.
  • Product Number: CB-0250-26
  • Sealed Letter Clipboard-Suedene-Hunter
  • Heat sealed letter clipboard. Feature lining that matches cover material, ruled paper pad & pen slit, silver metal clip and slash pocket with card slot.
  • Dimensions (Inches): 9.375 Width x 12.5 Height.
  • Price includes 1 color - 1 location - 1 side hot stamp up to 8 square inches
  • Packed 22 units per 31 lb. carton.
  • 100% Made in USA
  • 100% Union Made by Workers United

Sealed Letter Clipboard-Suedene-Hunter

Quick Overview

Heat sealed letter clipboard. Feature lining that matches cover material, ruled paper pad & pen slit, silver metal clip and slash pocket with card slot.